I realised something today. The root cause of our unhappiness does actually lie in what we expect from life. Now, I am not saying we must not expect anything out of life, but the expectations from life must be solely concerned around what we can change around us, by changing what is within us. To make more sense, I will just go ahead and say that expectation from anything external to you is futile.
We can expect from things external to us, only which we can truly achieve first - within us. So, the main battle is within and not outside. We cannot control what anyone thinks and we cannot change any other way the world moves around. The challenge is yet to create a world which is ours within us, and then I think the world external to us will start to change, for us, automatically - because its only we who can control what lies within us and how we let the world control it on a macro level, or the society on the micro.
Expectation of finding love is one such thing, and I truly believe that love cannot be measured by how it is reciprocated. It is a single event flowing from one person - and one person only. I dont know if I am making any sense here, but I believe that many of the people think they are in love, but as a matter of fact may only be 'institutionalised' to think that they are mutually serving a greater cause within them. (to be continued)...
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