Dear Reader,
It is indeed my privilege to have my first guest post from a good friend and a writer who has pretty much been there, done that when it comes to writing fiction. If you want to write a novel, and are a beginner - this post could change your approach and be one of the most important you've read.
I would like to briefly intoduce Michele Shaw who tweets by the handle @veertothewrite
He Bio says - Author represented by Karen Grencik of Red Fox Literary. I write YA, horror, and short stories. I may bust out a poem on a whim.
Trust me, that says too little about her, and you have to visit her on
This is what Michele has to say about going from Novice to Novelist.
- Marcus
Writing a novel is a daunting task, but one any writer with the passion, drive, and determination necessary can accomplish. Now, writing a good novel? That takes practice and a bit more stamina, not to mention voice, the ability to carry a story with conflict and tension, and bringing it to a logical end without everything falling apart. Writing a great novel? Yikes, you need all of the above plus talent. Oodles of it.
Getting any novel published and into the hands of readers has its own challenges, but none of them matter if you don't: Write. The. Book. Here are some things I'd like to share as reminders to help you get started:
* Know the basics of grammar and punctuation. No one is perfect, but brush up. You'll save yourself a lot of time down the line if there's less to fix. I make mistakes all the time (probably even in this post), but I’m always learning and it’s getting easier.
* If you want to write for fun only, by all means, do! But, if you plan on getting ANY kind of writing published, consider taking a class that includes group critiques. You really need to know if you have the stomach for criticism, because it will come, and there will be times when it's not pretty. Many times. Classes that offer feedback can give you a glimpse into what you're in for, and you aren't tied to a permanent critique partner or group at that point. Also, you can practice your writing, learn, and make writer friends. All good things.
* Write what you like. Don't write what's hot at the moment, what your mother wants you to write, or what seems "easy." Write what gets you excited to sit in front of that keyboard, what keeps your mind churning when you try to sleep, what comes from your heart. Everything else is a waste of time, and it will show in the writing. Read extensively and think about what you liked in those books. That can guide your interest in writing.
*Revise carefully. When you receive feedback, read it, but know you aren't bound to those suggestions. If they are great and you see big improvements in your story, go for it. But, there will be times when you just don't agree, and THAT'S OKAY! Be grateful for the feedback, but selective with what you use.
*Develop your own approach and know that what works for you is the only "right" way. Write at the time of day that works, in the location that distracts you least or inspires you most. Plot if that's what gets you going, pants if you have to start writing to start writing. Don't expect to have your approach all figured out in a day, either. It takes trial and error, and most of all, time.
* Know going in that your first draft will probably be a mess. You should still try to do your best, and it should have a good foundation, but know that revisions, editing, possibly even rewriting are in your future after you hit "The End."
*Finally, just do it. Stop talking about writing, tweeting about writing, reading articles, and whining about how you don't have enough time. You'll never finish if you don't start. Now...go!
written by Michele Shaw
It is indeed my privilege to have my first guest post from a good friend and a writer who has pretty much been there, done that when it comes to writing fiction. If you want to write a novel, and are a beginner - this post could change your approach and be one of the most important you've read.
I would like to briefly intoduce Michele Shaw who tweets by the handle @veertothewrite
He Bio says - Author represented by Karen Grencik of Red Fox Literary. I write YA, horror, and short stories. I may bust out a poem on a whim.
Trust me, that says too little about her, and you have to visit her on
This is what Michele has to say about going from Novice to Novelist.
- Marcus
Writing a novel is a daunting task, but one any writer with the passion, drive, and determination necessary can accomplish. Now, writing a good novel? That takes practice and a bit more stamina, not to mention voice, the ability to carry a story with conflict and tension, and bringing it to a logical end without everything falling apart. Writing a great novel? Yikes, you need all of the above plus talent. Oodles of it.
Getting any novel published and into the hands of readers has its own challenges, but none of them matter if you don't: Write. The. Book. Here are some things I'd like to share as reminders to help you get started:
* Know the basics of grammar and punctuation. No one is perfect, but brush up. You'll save yourself a lot of time down the line if there's less to fix. I make mistakes all the time (probably even in this post), but I’m always learning and it’s getting easier.
* If you want to write for fun only, by all means, do! But, if you plan on getting ANY kind of writing published, consider taking a class that includes group critiques. You really need to know if you have the stomach for criticism, because it will come, and there will be times when it's not pretty. Many times. Classes that offer feedback can give you a glimpse into what you're in for, and you aren't tied to a permanent critique partner or group at that point. Also, you can practice your writing, learn, and make writer friends. All good things.
* Write what you like. Don't write what's hot at the moment, what your mother wants you to write, or what seems "easy." Write what gets you excited to sit in front of that keyboard, what keeps your mind churning when you try to sleep, what comes from your heart. Everything else is a waste of time, and it will show in the writing. Read extensively and think about what you liked in those books. That can guide your interest in writing.
*Revise carefully. When you receive feedback, read it, but know you aren't bound to those suggestions. If they are great and you see big improvements in your story, go for it. But, there will be times when you just don't agree, and THAT'S OKAY! Be grateful for the feedback, but selective with what you use.
*Develop your own approach and know that what works for you is the only "right" way. Write at the time of day that works, in the location that distracts you least or inspires you most. Plot if that's what gets you going, pants if you have to start writing to start writing. Don't expect to have your approach all figured out in a day, either. It takes trial and error, and most of all, time.
* Know going in that your first draft will probably be a mess. You should still try to do your best, and it should have a good foundation, but know that revisions, editing, possibly even rewriting are in your future after you hit "The End."
*Finally, just do it. Stop talking about writing, tweeting about writing, reading articles, and whining about how you don't have enough time. You'll never finish if you don't start. Now...go!
written by Michele Shaw
Thank you so much for having me, Marcus! I'm quite honored to be your first guest poster:) xo