Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My medium

I am a little irritated these days. My medium does not get sufficient time for me to awaken within him and allow me to work. His drive is getting a little hazy and he a little pessimistic. I have to find out a way though, I have to learn how to make him strong. Some words in here are just dedicated to him, and I hope he reads these whenever he feels like giving up.

All the best my friend, but you need to grow up! Cheers. 

When u know that you are not strong enough to knock the opponent out, prepare to survive any amount of blows and and be strong within to tire the opponent.

I respect alcoholics. At least they do not consciously do bad things.

Bravery is only a controlled form of a valuable insanity towards something thats worth fighting for.

To have a contended life, always follow this belief system : You never have tried hard enough yet, if you haven't yet achieved what you want.

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